Team Empowerment

an artists interpretation of people's heads made with crumpled paper of various brown tones

Apologies That Change the World

Team Empowerment

A New Blueprint In the ordinary course of life and human interactions, an apology is expected when something happens that leaves one or the other ...
an artist painting depicting a long journey through a forest to light at the end of the path

How Promises Transform

Team Empowerment

Navigating the Journey from Resistance to Freedom In a world teeming with unmet potential and unfulfilled promises, many find themselves trapped in cycles of regret, ...

Satisfied Clients

Rob Scott
I had the pleasure of working with Saurel earlier this year. He is a very intelligent and thoughtful individual and a natural leader. The value of a peer advisory group has a whole lot to do with the Chair that leads and moderates the group and Saurel is a great example.

Rob Scott


Class VI Partners

E. Ronald Bertrand
Partnering with ExeQfit puts your business on track for exponential growth. Saurel works one-on-one with you to create small, achievable goals while building a worldwide presence, and reminds you that your "why" is the reason you are in business. We now have a course to follow and are confident that we’ll succeed in any project.

E. Ronald Bertrand

Project Manager

Kennesaw State University

Nora Gay
The lessons we've learned from you transcend the confines of our professional roles, touching upon the very essence of who we are and aspire to be. This reflective journey has catalyzed a shift in our organizational culture, steering us towards practices that are not only effective but are imbued with integrity and responsibility.

Nora Almamia Gay

Managing Partner

Rhotopia Financial

Julian K. Smith – Musician
Ellena Park – Insurance Professional
J. Kirby Spivey – Historian